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Ólafur Egilsson
- 47
- Leikari & Söngvari
Ólafur hefur starfað sem leikari hjá Leikfélagi Akureyrar, Leikfélagi Reykjavíkur, Þjóðleikhúsinu og einnig með leikhópunum Vesturport og Frú Emelía auk þess að leika í kvikmyndum og sjónvarpi og hefur hlotið fjölmargar tilnenfingar og verðlaun fyrir störf sín á báðum sviðum.
Ólafur Egilsson graduated from the acting department of the Icelandic University of Arts in 2002. He has worked as an actor at the National Theatre, Reykjavik and Akureyri City theatres and with the independent company Vesturport and Fru Emelia. Ólafur has appeared in numerous films and TV series and has received several awards and nominations for his work in both fields.
Ólafur Egilsson graduated from the acting department of the Icelandic University of Arts in 2002. He has worked as an actor at the National Theatre, Reykjavik and Akureyri City theatres and with the independent company Vesturport and Fru Emelia. Ólafur has appeared in numerous films and TV series and has received several awards and nominations for his work in both fields.