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Gunnar Helgason
- 59
- Leikari
Telephone: + 354 565-1471 / 824-0882
Date of birth: 24.11.65
In short:
Since graduating as an actor in 1991 from The Drama academy of Iceland, Arts University, Gunnar has acted, written and directed both for TV and theatre. One of his first jobs was to host, write and direct a kids´ TV program. He has founded two independent theatres, directed and acted in all of Iceland´s professional theatres. He has been a judge on Iceland‘s Dance show on national TV as well as writing the no. 1 best selling children´s books for 2011, ´12 ,´13 and ´14. He is an household name in Iceland and just recently acted in his first Hollywood film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, directed by Ben Stiller.
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 75 kg.
Special talents: Expert skier, expert driver, football/soccer, dancing, riding.
Languages: English, Swedish, Danish, Serbo-Croat.
Bokeh by Geoffrey Orthwein 2014 – The Deacon
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller 2012 – Hotel Keeper
Ófeigur gengur aftur by Ágúst Guðmundsson 2012– Gauji Crybaby
Gauragangur by Gunnar B. Guðmundsson 2012 – Head master
Crossroads by Sigurdur Kaiser 04 - Loonatic
The Seagull´s Laughter by Agust Gudmundsson 04 - Gauji Crybaby (a drunk)
The Dance by Agust Gudmundsson 98 - Peter (the main role)
Malbik by Arn-Henrik Blomquist 90 - Doddi jerk off
Dot, dot, comma, dash by Thorsteinn Jonsson 1978 - Boy in candystore
-for Channel 2-
Steindinn okkar by Steindinn 2012, 2013 Various roles
Clean Slate (Hreinn Skjöldur) By Steindinn 2014, Gunni the Folf pro.
-for RUV (National Broadcasting Company of Iceland)-
Our hour by Gunnar and Felix 94-96 a kids´show - Gunnar
Room 106 by A. Gudmundsson 98 drama - Gay teacher
The New Years Lampoon! by various authors ´97, ´99, 2002, 2011, 2012 Various parts
The Cliff by Reynir Lyngdal 2009 dramaseries – The Psychic.
Finished! by Gunnar Helgason 2012 kids show– Finished Friðbert
-for SKJAR 1 -
Nonni the Bomb by Hallgrimur Helgason 99 comedy - Nonni the Bomb
Með öngulinn í rassinum comedy/documentary series 2010
Heaven by Arni Ibsen - Gaui
Candide by Voltaire - Candide
For ever by Arni Ibsen Einar - Guðmundur father of the bride
Last farm in the Valley by Loftur Gudmundsson – The last Farmer, Rindill the dwarf
Father and son by Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson - son
Salka by Halldor Laxness - Arnaldur
The Idiots by Olafur H Simonarson - Hans the idiot
Angels by Havar Sigurjonsson - Shrink
Grettissaga adapted by Hilmar Jonsson - sleepless Thorfinn and others
Mókollur traffic fairy by Petur Eggerz - Mókollur
Ronja by Astrid Lindgren – Birkir Borkason
Lost in Yonkers by Neil Simon - Older brother
Pidgeon Party by Halldor Laxness - various roles
A Lion in Longshanks by Bjorn Th. Bjornsson - various roles
Rugl í Ríminu Chinaman
Grease by Jim Jacobs / Warren Casey - Sjonni
West Side Story by Bernstein/Laurents/Sondhheim - Chino
Trainspotting by Danny Boyle - Sick Boy and Tommy
Space Soap improv show - The Robot
I am not Gay by Daniel Guyton - Gary and a Queen
Certified Male by Glynn Nicholas – Finnur Snær. 2012 –
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Sævar Sigurgeirsson – Munchausen. 2012
Our Hour by Gunnar og Felix 94-96 RUV 52 episodes
Where is Mr. Smith by Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson 1996 RÚV 24 episodes
Kid´s Play 92 Stod 2 12 episodes
The Cow´s head by Gunnar Helgason 93 Stod 2 24 episodes
Nonni The Bomb by Hallgrimur Helgason 99 Skjar 1 12 episodes
Country Side Bliss by Gunnar and Felix 03 DVD
Why does the Salmon Take by Gunnar Helgason 04 DVD
See how the Salmon Takes by Gunnar Helgason 06 DVD
Með öngulinn í rassinum – comedy/documentary 2010 for Skjar1 – 6 episodes
Our Hour – by Björgvin F. Gislason and Gunnar Helgason RUV 2011
Vírus by Thorgeir, Ármann og Saevar 1999 Hafnarfjordur Theatre
The Hammer of Thor by the group 2000 Aesir / Hafnarfjordur Theatre
The Caveman by Rob Becker 2003 3Sagas / Svenska Teatern Helsinkid The The The Chosen one by Gunnar Helgason 2004 Himnaríki/Loftkastalinn Theatre
Patrick 1.5 by Michael Drucker 2006 The National Theatre, Iceland
The Caveman by Rob Becker 2008 3 Sagas / kommun Teatern Trollhättan
Certified Male by Glynn Nicholas. 2011, Austurbær Theatre, Reykjavik
Kaffibrúsakarlarnir by Gísli Rúnar Jónsson. Austurbær Theatre 2013
Thriller by Gunnar Helgason 2000 Loftkastalinn Theatre
Wake me up by Hallgrímur Helgason 2001 Loftkastalinn Theatre
Relax by Felix Bergsson 2002 Reykjavik City Theatre
Grease by Jim Jacobs / Warren Casey 2003 3 Sagas / Reykjavik City Theatre
SPIN by Douglas Pashley in:
- 2005 Svenska Teatern Helsinki
- 2007 Teater Rozrywki, Katowice, Poland
- 2007 Teatr Fjodora Volkova, Yaroslavl, Russia
Story of Nina and Geiri by Gísli Rúnar Jónsson 2005 Broadway Cabaret Theatre
Havoc (Á tjá og tundri) by Gunnar Helgason 2006 Austurbaer Theatre
The right way by Erla Hardardottir 2006 Reykjavik City Theatre
Lazy Town; Marathon Magdeburg, by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarsson and Gunnar Helgason 2007 Lazy Town event.
The Macical Message Bag (Skilaboðaskjóðan) by Thorvald Thorst. 2007 The National Theatre, Iceland
Mary, the donky and the tellers by Erla Hardard. 2007 Reykjavik City Theatre
Skoppa og Skrítla á tímaflakki by Hrefna Hallgrimsdottir Reykjavík City theatre 2010
LazyTown Celebration (Hátíð í Höllinni) by Mani Svavarsson, Magnus Scheving and Gunnar Helgason. 2010 in Laugardalshöll
Buddy Holly- the musical by Alan Janes and Rob Pettinson. Austurbær Theatre and Bravo 2010
Bugsy Malone by Alan Parker. 2012. Austurbær Theatre, Reykjavik.
Í nánd – Nýdönsk. by the group Reykjavik City Theatre 2011 Draumur á Jónsmessunótt, A Midsummer´s Tale by W. Shakespeare – Herranótt 2011 Óvitar by Guðrún Helgadóttir – National Theatre 2013 Ávaxtakarfan/the Fruit Basket by Kikka – Leikfélag Keflavíkur 2014
Our Hour Felix Bergsson Co-writer´94-96 RUV, 52 episodes
Kid´s Play ´92 Stod 2 12 episodes
The Cow´s head ´93 Stod 2 24 episodes
Country Side Bliss Felix Bergsson co-writer ´03 DVD
Why does the Salmon Take ´04 DVD
See how the Salmon Takes ´06 DVD
Með öngulinn í rassinum ´11 Skjar1, 6 episodes
Our Hour Björgvin F. Gislason co-writer RUV 2011, 26 episodes
The New Years Show 2012 AND 1995 RUV
Goggi and Grjóni Mál og Menning 1992
Goggi and Grjóni, II Mál og Menning 1995
Grýla Hólar 1997
Nornin og dularfulla gauksklukkan Mál og Menning 2010, Björgvin F. Gíslason co-writer
Víti í Vestmannaeyjum Mál og Menning 2011
Aukaspyrna á Akureyri Mál og Menning 2012
Rangstæður í Reykjavík Mál og Menning 2013
Gula spjaldið í Gautaborg Mál og Menning 2014
Candide by Voltaire 1996 Hafnarfjordur Theatre
The last Farm in the Valley by Loftur Guðmundsson Hafnarfjordur Theatre
Date of birth: 24.11.65
In short:
Since graduating as an actor in 1991 from The Drama academy of Iceland, Arts University, Gunnar has acted, written and directed both for TV and theatre. One of his first jobs was to host, write and direct a kids´ TV program. He has founded two independent theatres, directed and acted in all of Iceland´s professional theatres. He has been a judge on Iceland‘s Dance show on national TV as well as writing the no. 1 best selling children´s books for 2011, ´12 ,´13 and ´14. He is an household name in Iceland and just recently acted in his first Hollywood film, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, directed by Ben Stiller.
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 75 kg.
Special talents: Expert skier, expert driver, football/soccer, dancing, riding.
Languages: English, Swedish, Danish, Serbo-Croat.
Bokeh by Geoffrey Orthwein 2014 – The Deacon
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Ben Stiller 2012 – Hotel Keeper
Ófeigur gengur aftur by Ágúst Guðmundsson 2012– Gauji Crybaby
Gauragangur by Gunnar B. Guðmundsson 2012 – Head master
Crossroads by Sigurdur Kaiser 04 - Loonatic
The Seagull´s Laughter by Agust Gudmundsson 04 - Gauji Crybaby (a drunk)
The Dance by Agust Gudmundsson 98 - Peter (the main role)
Malbik by Arn-Henrik Blomquist 90 - Doddi jerk off
Dot, dot, comma, dash by Thorsteinn Jonsson 1978 - Boy in candystore
-for Channel 2-
Steindinn okkar by Steindinn 2012, 2013 Various roles
Clean Slate (Hreinn Skjöldur) By Steindinn 2014, Gunni the Folf pro.
-for RUV (National Broadcasting Company of Iceland)-
Our hour by Gunnar and Felix 94-96 a kids´show - Gunnar
Room 106 by A. Gudmundsson 98 drama - Gay teacher
The New Years Lampoon! by various authors ´97, ´99, 2002, 2011, 2012 Various parts
The Cliff by Reynir Lyngdal 2009 dramaseries – The Psychic.
Finished! by Gunnar Helgason 2012 kids show– Finished Friðbert
-for SKJAR 1 -
Nonni the Bomb by Hallgrimur Helgason 99 comedy - Nonni the Bomb
Með öngulinn í rassinum comedy/documentary series 2010
Heaven by Arni Ibsen - Gaui
Candide by Voltaire - Candide
For ever by Arni Ibsen Einar - Guðmundur father of the bride
Last farm in the Valley by Loftur Gudmundsson – The last Farmer, Rindill the dwarf
Father and son by Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson - son
Salka by Halldor Laxness - Arnaldur
The Idiots by Olafur H Simonarson - Hans the idiot
Angels by Havar Sigurjonsson - Shrink
Grettissaga adapted by Hilmar Jonsson - sleepless Thorfinn and others
Mókollur traffic fairy by Petur Eggerz - Mókollur
Ronja by Astrid Lindgren – Birkir Borkason
Lost in Yonkers by Neil Simon - Older brother
Pidgeon Party by Halldor Laxness - various roles
A Lion in Longshanks by Bjorn Th. Bjornsson - various roles
Rugl í Ríminu Chinaman
Grease by Jim Jacobs / Warren Casey - Sjonni
West Side Story by Bernstein/Laurents/Sondhheim - Chino
Trainspotting by Danny Boyle - Sick Boy and Tommy
Space Soap improv show - The Robot
I am not Gay by Daniel Guyton - Gary and a Queen
Certified Male by Glynn Nicholas – Finnur Snær. 2012 –
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Sævar Sigurgeirsson – Munchausen. 2012
Our Hour by Gunnar og Felix 94-96 RUV 52 episodes
Where is Mr. Smith by Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson 1996 RÚV 24 episodes
Kid´s Play 92 Stod 2 12 episodes
The Cow´s head by Gunnar Helgason 93 Stod 2 24 episodes
Nonni The Bomb by Hallgrimur Helgason 99 Skjar 1 12 episodes
Country Side Bliss by Gunnar and Felix 03 DVD
Why does the Salmon Take by Gunnar Helgason 04 DVD
See how the Salmon Takes by Gunnar Helgason 06 DVD
Með öngulinn í rassinum – comedy/documentary 2010 for Skjar1 – 6 episodes
Our Hour – by Björgvin F. Gislason and Gunnar Helgason RUV 2011
Vírus by Thorgeir, Ármann og Saevar 1999 Hafnarfjordur Theatre
The Hammer of Thor by the group 2000 Aesir / Hafnarfjordur Theatre
The Caveman by Rob Becker 2003 3Sagas / Svenska Teatern Helsinkid The The The Chosen one by Gunnar Helgason 2004 Himnaríki/Loftkastalinn Theatre
Patrick 1.5 by Michael Drucker 2006 The National Theatre, Iceland
The Caveman by Rob Becker 2008 3 Sagas / kommun Teatern Trollhättan
Certified Male by Glynn Nicholas. 2011, Austurbær Theatre, Reykjavik
Kaffibrúsakarlarnir by Gísli Rúnar Jónsson. Austurbær Theatre 2013
Thriller by Gunnar Helgason 2000 Loftkastalinn Theatre
Wake me up by Hallgrímur Helgason 2001 Loftkastalinn Theatre
Relax by Felix Bergsson 2002 Reykjavik City Theatre
Grease by Jim Jacobs / Warren Casey 2003 3 Sagas / Reykjavik City Theatre
SPIN by Douglas Pashley in:
- 2005 Svenska Teatern Helsinki
- 2007 Teater Rozrywki, Katowice, Poland
- 2007 Teatr Fjodora Volkova, Yaroslavl, Russia
Story of Nina and Geiri by Gísli Rúnar Jónsson 2005 Broadway Cabaret Theatre
Havoc (Á tjá og tundri) by Gunnar Helgason 2006 Austurbaer Theatre
The right way by Erla Hardardottir 2006 Reykjavik City Theatre
Lazy Town; Marathon Magdeburg, by Magnus Scheving, Mani Svavarsson and Gunnar Helgason 2007 Lazy Town event.
The Macical Message Bag (Skilaboðaskjóðan) by Thorvald Thorst. 2007 The National Theatre, Iceland
Mary, the donky and the tellers by Erla Hardard. 2007 Reykjavik City Theatre
Skoppa og Skrítla á tímaflakki by Hrefna Hallgrimsdottir Reykjavík City theatre 2010
LazyTown Celebration (Hátíð í Höllinni) by Mani Svavarsson, Magnus Scheving and Gunnar Helgason. 2010 in Laugardalshöll
Buddy Holly- the musical by Alan Janes and Rob Pettinson. Austurbær Theatre and Bravo 2010
Bugsy Malone by Alan Parker. 2012. Austurbær Theatre, Reykjavik.
Í nánd – Nýdönsk. by the group Reykjavik City Theatre 2011 Draumur á Jónsmessunótt, A Midsummer´s Tale by W. Shakespeare – Herranótt 2011 Óvitar by Guðrún Helgadóttir – National Theatre 2013 Ávaxtakarfan/the Fruit Basket by Kikka – Leikfélag Keflavíkur 2014
Our Hour Felix Bergsson Co-writer´94-96 RUV, 52 episodes
Kid´s Play ´92 Stod 2 12 episodes
The Cow´s head ´93 Stod 2 24 episodes
Country Side Bliss Felix Bergsson co-writer ´03 DVD
Why does the Salmon Take ´04 DVD
See how the Salmon Takes ´06 DVD
Með öngulinn í rassinum ´11 Skjar1, 6 episodes
Our Hour Björgvin F. Gislason co-writer RUV 2011, 26 episodes
The New Years Show 2012 AND 1995 RUV
Goggi and Grjóni Mál og Menning 1992
Goggi and Grjóni, II Mál og Menning 1995
Grýla Hólar 1997
Nornin og dularfulla gauksklukkan Mál og Menning 2010, Björgvin F. Gíslason co-writer
Víti í Vestmannaeyjum Mál og Menning 2011
Aukaspyrna á Akureyri Mál og Menning 2012
Rangstæður í Reykjavík Mál og Menning 2013
Gula spjaldið í Gautaborg Mál og Menning 2014
Candide by Voltaire 1996 Hafnarfjordur Theatre
The last Farm in the Valley by Loftur Guðmundsson Hafnarfjordur Theatre