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Bergdís Júlía

  • 39 ára
  • Leikari

Bergdis Julia studied at the Icelandic Teaching University before her Theatrical education in London. Since her graduation from Rose Bruford College she has directed and taught theatre in Icelandic elementary schools. She runs her own theatre company, Spindrift Theatre along with three other women and works as a freelance actress. She directed Spindrift Theatre´s latest production, Carroll: Berserk, which was premièred at Tjarnarbíó in Reykjavík 2015. Julia has a good eye for physical expressivity which she put to the test in her dance theatre production Me….Whilst Being Humane.

Nánari upplýsingar

Hæð: 167Menntun: Rose Bruford College of Speech and DramaHæfileikar: söngur, enska, leikstjóri, leikkona, piano, sopran, 2 sopran, trúðsleikur, grotesque, dansleikhús, singing, english UK, director, actress, sopran, clowning, dancetheatre