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Árni Þór Lárusson

  • 31 ára
  • Leikari & Söngvari

Arni Larusson graduated from the London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art in 2019. Since then, he has worked at The Reykjavik City Theatre, also known as Borgarleikhúsið, gaining valuable experience in live performance.

Arni has also expanded his repertoire by working in film and television for major networks such as HBO and Netflix. He is a versatile actor who has been involved in a wide range of projects in Iceland, including advertisements, music, and television.

Nánari upplýsingar

Hæð: 182 CMMenntun: The London Academy of Music and Dramatic ArtHæfileikar: American-Standard, Danish, German, RP, Russian, Scandinavian, Icelandic (Native). Skills: Piano, Guitar, Alexander Technique, Fire Breathing, BASSC-Quarterstaff (pass), BASSC-Rapier & Dagger (distinction), Laban Training, Mask, Meisner Technique, Physical Theatre, Radio Drama, Voice Over.

