Yfirlýsing frá fundi norræna leikararáðsins
Á fundi NORRÆNA LEIKARARÁÐSIN ( heildarsamtök fag og stéttarfélaga leikara og annarra sviðslistamanna á norðurlöndum) sem fram fór í Helsinki dagana 2. og 3. nóvember sl. var samþykkt yfirlýsing frá ráðinu vegna átaksins #meetoo og þeirrar umræðu sem fylgt hefur í kjölfarið.
Nordiska Skådespelarrådet (NSR) -statement
NSR has in its meeting in Helsinki on the second of November 2017 made the following statement:
We applaud the courage and commitment of the many performers that have spoken out about their experiences of sexual harassment and discrimination.
We condemn in the strongest terms any individual that carries out sexual or any kind of harassment and discrimination.
We urge the industry to treat this matter seriously and to work with the unions and performers organizations to develop a discrimination, harassment and retaliation free work environment.